Dreamy Pink Rose N Carnations Bouquet - B1029

Send this beautiful bouquet to say "Be Mine" to that lucky Valentine and you're sure to experience your own good fortune. This cheery blend of by color carnations white and pink and pink roses in a pink tissue paper, accented with a pink ribbon, is like a gift of pure joy! This simple bouquet filled with pinks and lavenders is the perfect gesture to show how much you care. An adorable birthday gift or the perfect way to celebrate anniversary or Mother's Day! Our florist use freshest materials available so varieties and color may vary. Our services for this product are available in selected cities of India.

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24 Flowers (shown).

INR: 1399.00 USD: 16.46

36 Flowers.

INR: 1999.00 USD: 23.52

48 Flowers

INR: 2999.00 USD: 35.28

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